Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Headaches.. Heartaches... WTF ...

HaihZ ...

The Seafield Chess MSSD selection has just ended on the 21 of January and here i am posed with a dilemma so serious it could even jeopardise my friendship with certain people ... haihZ ... here goes .. On a happier note .. i won all 4 games that i played today .. was actually glad to fend off the mighty Form 6 students who by themselves are very very , if i may repeat VERY formidable players .. Of course , one should not expect less .. Form 6 students are naturally very logic-minded people .. and no one should underestimated them .. an important lesson i learnt today ...

Aaron Lui Teng Wei vs Chang Ching Wei
Had a feeling i had earned myself a first round win .. nothing to brag ... i just had a feeling that's all .. he blundered a perfect position of his into a nightmare and i won with two rooks ahead of him .. other expectant players like Ramaraj and Pi Xern won their respective games with ease .. something i envy them for .. why they had to get easy startups .. * grumbles * ^ ^ ..

Round 2
Tan Yen Pin ( Form 6 ) vs Chang Ching Wei
I wasn't prepared for players like him .. To tell the truth , he was very formidable and only lost the game because he made a blunder of skewering himself .. pity .. Pi Xern ( did i mention he was a Form 6 ?) won his game in a minute .. Ram had to slog a bit but was comfortable in winning ..

Here's a bonus round as Edric came late but he was a Form 6 with a MSSD representative title .. Ram told me to evaluate him .. and that's what i did ...
Round Post 3
He was excellent but he made a fatal error again because of the fearsome skewer .. but he has talents..

Round 3
Chang Ching Wei vs Chong Yeh ( another Form 6 =.= )
Had to slog this one . wasn't thinking straight .. traded two rooks for a queen but then he made a fatal error and the rest is all tactics .. could have wrapped it up earlier if i saw the winning move ..

Results ...
U-18 Boys
This is under consideration ...
1. Chang Ching Wei ( returned superbly lolZ but is not guaranteed this spot .. I still have to fight PI Xern)
2. Pi Xern ( excellent find )
Now , the next two spot are opened to 4 people; Ramaraj , Edric , Aaron Lui , and Ariff
Here's the cause of my headaches .. I don't know who to choose !! It is a dilemma .. Edric is abit out of point bcoz only one Form 6 can represent .. but Edric is PTS taker .. so yea .. Puan Thilaham is discussing it with En. Ridzuan .. The next problem is the other three .. i would cerainly pick Ram bcoz he is da best among them .. i can't take a 2.5 player and Ariff isn't as good as Ram !! HaihZ Why Ariff is in the picture ? He was the only other one besides me and Pixern to win all .. But he fought Sean Chung , Kelvin ( =.= ) and a not so good Form 6 .. HAihZ .. all will be solved tomorrow .. i hope

U-18 Girls
1. Lim Wei Mund (our only real hope besides the second one )
2. Feng Wai Yi ( our only real hope besides the first one )
Only two girls one else...

U- 15 Boys
I talked to Dhaneesh ( organiser ) and this is his respeted suggestion ..
1. Khidir
2. Shoban
3. Chang Ching Yet
4. Joker ( Colin )

U-15 Girls
1. Krishnapriya
2. Emily
3. Magdalene

That's it
Battle Royale with Ram , Aaron and Ariff will commence tomorrow ..

P.S. having a dreadful heartache .. blasted feelings...


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