Monday, March 29, 2010

Update in Life


Nothing really goes really well in college , eh?
At least , as far as how i see it in Andrew . He is still coping with the workload and the lifestyle of it . Of course , its only March and the pressure may not be as high as it is ..

Still ..

The fact remains ..

He cannot survive it alone .

He may try to hang in there . Doing things alone . Trying to handle the oversized problems that greatly overweighs him .

He will fail .

But of course , it will be a problem if my partner decides to croak . There is much for him .. for us to do . Currently , the only problem i see in college is the homework . Not problems in quantity but he faces a problem in the quality of the work .

College .. is different from school . In school , the examples are clear . The examples can lead you straight to the answer and only deviates a bit . In college , the level is incomparable to the school's homework . They do give you examples , but the examples will never lead you straight on .

Intellect does that .

You would have to think differently . Think outside the box . Think logically with the right amount of common sense .

Which Andrew lacks .

He lacks common sense . His basis of thinking is that of theory . His thoughts fail to redirect themselves if he encounters a problem in which the answer is not as it seems .

But whatever he lacks , i cover .
Thats the reason for my existence .
The only vision in my life . The mission i entrust upon myself .


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