Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Confusion ...

What happens if you are faced with a very puzzling puzzle ?? Well , what would you do ? Would you try with all your will to solve it ? Would you wait for the answer to be handed to you? Or would you just give up without looking at it ?

I have been given two puzzles to mull over in my mind ... Actually it was me and Dhaneesh .. We couldnt solve either one of the puzzle .. and the more we gave thought to it , the more stumped we came .. My dear Oon Hui and Esther , if we both can't get enough sleep tonight , we would personally sue you over minor defects ..

The puzzle seemed to easy for both of them , but the fact reamins that we simply CAN'T solve the damn thing .. I was fuming but of course , we have to try to solve it first , one way or another ... HaihZ ...

Btw , a thousand thanks to Yih Foo for changing my downloaded vids to MP3 format ... weee!! Beardyman in my HP !!! Weeeee!!!!!

Beardyman and Nathan 'Flutebox' Lee performing in the Google Convention

Beardyman . one of the best world beatboxers ..

Beardyman before a performance ..


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