Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Inevitable

The Inevitable

The big obstacle that lies before me,
Forcing a decision so effortlessly,
It seems as though i've reached a junction,
Where do i go now? Any suggestions?

I cannot turn back, no, i can't do that,
My pride says no, you can't look back,
This is the point of no return, it is a fact,
You can't back out, or you'll lose contact.
The path that beckons me voices out,
You can't runaway, no you can't back out,
The voice calls, stressing every syllable,
Telling me that this is inevitable.

Counting down the hours before it happens,
Hoping for a day to pass without incidents,
I pray and i hope all day, but i know nothing lasts,
Because what's done is done, you can't change the past.
The choices i make, the chances i'll take,
The voice tells me i've everything at stake,
I cannot afford to lose, not when the chips are set,
I cannot afford to waste, the chances i'll get.

The big obstacle now lies before me,
It lies in my path looking mockingly,
I heave a sigh as i make my decision,
And hope the inevitable will clear my vision.