Saturday, October 25, 2008



  It seems that all this while , during exams , i'm forever tired and am wasted .. I guess too much worrying and sickening thoughts got me so exhausted .Studying physics and chemistry now .. while thinking about someone .. well someones actually .. My dude , A.RON was hospitalised for 4 days .. that got me abit worried .. the other someone is for you to guess .. :) ... Its a she BTW .. LOLZ .. Got a crush on that girl .. so yeah , thinking bout her even during stress times .. she's quite smart BTW .. ;) 
   Why is it that when the exams are dawning upon me , i get this feeling of nausea and weakening spirit ? Something i must ponder during my meditating sessions in december .. I'm busy and up to my neck with stuff until december .. what with the WYSC coming up and also the Subang Scrabble Challenge .. HAIHZ ... Stress like fuck .. 

   Exams are a flash in a pan .. thats what i keep telling myself .. LOLZ .. call me a weirdo .. I kinda like the exam atmosphere .. calm .. collected ... but immensely tired after that ... i hate those Form 5 motherfuckers who made a racket of a noise during the examinations ... sick muthafuckas ... 

   Anyway , its late and i gotta be off soon .. I invented a new song that i will be posting in this blog two weeks later .. till then its plain studying .... while thinking of her too .. ;) 

HD signing off ...
Line terminated ..
P.S. - Be back on the 7th of November .. ten days later my birthday .. oh yea , its kah man's birthday up and coming 26th of october if memory serves me well ... loLZ

Friday, October 17, 2008

The Day Something Just Had To Go Wrong

Yea , 

    Evidently my whole so-called super mad study on add maths turned against me somehow.. yea , i thought i had studied enough .. but the one thing in life which no one can seem to overcome it has hit me hard .. carelessness , forgetfulness and lost of idea .

  I hate it that when i walk through the door , sit down , put my thinking cap on , do the paper and watch out for mistakes , i am forever missing the obvious ... WTF is wrong with me ?!! I can't seem to eject out the thoughts of failing even if i had told myself earlier to calm the crap down .. WHY !! WHY!! 

  Anyway , life goes on . yea , it does . My niece just finished her PMR paper .. lucky her .. Screw me for not wishing her a proper good luck .. yet again , missing the obvious , how could i ? i'm tied down to my nose with workloads as well as the prospect of not getting the full A's i want .. HaihZ it sure is one day where something just had to go wrong . 

  That aside , i certainly made mistakes in life and have never , ever taken the initiative to correct or amend them .. Why is that ? because i don't see the point . I fail an examination .. i can't do it again .. Why correct it when u should just ignore it , and strive for a better one ? .. These hurt my mind as much as it hurts anybody .. well , anybody who cares , actually ...

   " Taken one step back in time , to save whatever's left behind , 
      Taken one step forward in time , just to make sure i'm not left behind ." 

HD signing out 

Monday, October 6, 2008

Examinations... more examinations...


  Now , as the day draws nigh , the exams have appeared out of nowhere .. though i am sure , many of us have been anticipating this torturous marathon .. i'm talking about us Form 4's .. clearly as we can see from our timetables , the duration is a whole freaking month .. 

 I wish no ill wishes , but merely to wish good luck to all Form 4s around the whole Malaysia ... a very good luck to all of you and i certainly hope that you give it your best in this accursed examinations .. LOLZ .. pardon me ... it seems that in my haste , i just had to swear .. 

  Enjoy your exams and live out your holidays.. 

Till then ,